As we focus our increased efforts in fulfilling our goal of legal representation embracing Rights of Nature, any donation you can make now will contribute towards the costs of supporting our many volunteers across the globe. 100% of your donations recieved by us will be used to help pay for the running costs and provision of personnel and services in the pursuit of our global mission.
Thank you for your kindness and generosity in supporting our work.
Your financial support helps us to accomplish our goal of collecting 1 million signatures for a Declaration of Rights of Mother Earth to be adopted by the UN and the recognition of Rights of Nature. The UN adopted the Human Rights Declaration in 1948 after World War II, because humanity was suffering greatly then. Today Nature is suffering and needs the same commitment to be protected as humans needed 73 years ago.
The protection of Nature needs equal standing to the protection of humans. The commitment by the UN to adopt a Declaration of Rights of Mother Earth followed by the recognition of Nature in all national legal systems as a rights bearing entity, would demonstrate this commitment and initiate the paradigm shift needed from the current anthropocentric focus, to a much needed Earth centered approach.
Your donations will be an investment in this paradigm shift and go 100 % to promote the petition, which represents the voice and wish from civil society to realize Rights of Nature. We are a volunteer-based movement, together with your financial support we can achieve our goal faster! We also welcome professional pro bono helping hands.
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions at: info@rightsofmotherearth.com
Thank you and warmest wishes from all of us
The Rights of Mother Earth team
Please note that donations are listed as Swiss Francs (CHF)
1 CHF = 1.09 USD (This exchange rate may vary slightly from week to week)