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Commemorating the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Honoring Human Rights

The Human Rights Declaration was adopted in 1948 after World War II, because people were suffering greatly at that time, and in order to prevent such atrocities from ever occurring again. Even though it was not a legally binding declaration, it marked a milestone for the protection of humanity and became the foundation of the UN. This document informed more national and international laws and education programs around the world than any other document.


I feel this is one of the most beautiful examples of what humans can achieve out of love and respect for every man, woman and child. Can we do the same again for Mother Earth?

Find out how the Human Rights Declaration came about  here:


Honoring the Rights of Mother Earth to complement Human Rights

Today it is Nature who is suffering, it is urgent for the UN to commit to an equally strong and altruistic declaration, providing the same protection for Nature.


“Human Rights can only be fulfilled when we recognize, respect and acknowledge the Rights of Mother Earth as well.”


Sign the petition for a Universal Declaration of Rights of Mother Earth here

Workshop comparing Human Rights with Rights of Mother Earth at the OSI-Geneva Forum for Rights of Nature

In honor of the 75th anniversary of the Human Rights Declaration we held an interactive workshop at the OSI Geneva Forum on the 12th of December. We compared each article of the Human Rights Declaration with Nature’s rights. While doing so, we discovered with excitement that most of the articles could be applied to Mother Earth equally and others would need to be complemented in order to be suitable for each element of Nature. For examples: Article 3: “Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security»

The Earth, the air, rivers, trees, birds and bees and many more of our fellow beings too no?

Check it out and let us know what you think.

-       Read the Human Rights Declaration here

-       Read the Declaration of Rights of Mother Earth here

-       Find out more about the Geneva Forum here

Please sign the petition for a Universal Declaration of Rights of Mother Earth here


Thank you. 💚🌎💙



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